parallax background

With these videos you will learn all important things you need to know before making any changes to the site. Make sure you at least watch "Intro" and "Do's & Don'ts".


- Login to admin panel
- Overview what's where
- Quick look at all elements

Do's & Don'ts

- Communication guidelines
- Design guidelines
- Understanding the structure

Regular Texts

- How pages are built up
- Change styled texts

News Items

- What's where?
- Make a new post (2:47)
- Using urls/links (4:30)
- Assign categories and tags (8:05)
- About image and title (12:12)
- Publishing (14:50)

Update Training Info

- Changing text
- Next training countdown (2:40)
- Upcoming announcement (4:05)
- Two trainings coming up? (8:18)

Changing Trainers

- In the about page
- Inside an Open Call Training (5:34)


- Various types
- Editing and writing new (03.25)
- Testimonials renters (09.00)
- Testimonials EVS'ers (16:51)

Photo Slides

- Page headers
- Home page slider
- EVS sliders

Contact the developer

Ask feedback & support

Ramon Vermij

Designer & Communications Expert

Ramon loves creating things and working with people. He works a freelance graphic and multimedia designer and promotions agent. Besides this he organizes non formal educational projects and is junior trainer. In the past he participated in a number of trainings at Olde Vechte as well.