In Source you learn and practice to invite energy and flow in situations where previously there was stuckness or unease.
You discover how systems you are part of (family, organisations, culture etc.) shape your life, behaviour and choices. You explore the invisible connections between the elements in a system and how to recreate those connections, so success is available.
In the process, you embody a certain systemic perspective that supports you to work beyond the obvious. You work with what is there and is not seen, heard and experienced. In this way you suddenly have an access to a new source of information. Information about the hidden connections.
Source is for people who did Practicing coaching andor Beyond and who want to deepen their knowledge in Systemic approach. During the first two editions we have noticed that we were co-creating a common and inviting language. This language is becoming part of the culture, the method and the community of Olde Vechte. And you are welcome to join and experience how it plays with the shape of you.
Methodology of the training
Systemic Approach
With Systemic approach you take a distance from a situation, event or the story of the person you work with. You “zoom out” in order to see the bigger picture and from there, new perspectives arise and you can see opportunities and strategies that bring back the flow and lead to success. You can create movement in events and problems that seem unsolvable or stuck. You can also address the source of problems or events that seem on repeat, that are always coming back in one way or another.
By creating distance and zooming out, you see, listen and experience the situation from another perspective and this creates the opportunity for you to ask systemic questions. Systemic questions are addressing what is beyond the visible in a situation, what is not seen, not said, not acknowledge. They create inner movement beyond our rational thoughts and explanations.
From the distance you have created, you can see the individual person, event or group in the context they operate in. You also see the systems in which they operate and what are the principles and the dynamics of those systems. You can now see what are the sometimes hidden loyalties, beliefs and behaviours that are leading the person.
With a systemic approach, no matter how much distance you take, you keep the connection. When working with people or teams, you support them to move on and develop themselves independently. The connection is there, yet the person or the group will not need you to assist every step they do.
Systemic approach is unique and dynamic, it can be applied in all kinds of different settings, if you work with teams, companies, organisations, youth work, in families, coaching other groups and with individuals. You can also use it to reframe your own life experiences and to find new perspectives for what you do.

3D Mapping
Systemic work can be done in what we call a three dimensional (3D) mapping, in which auditory, visual and kinaesthetic elements are combined. With 3D mapping you support the other person to create a visual representation that acknowledges all the elements of a situation (field) and to see how those elements interact with each other, what are the dynamics. The three dimensions of a map are how I see, hear and experience the situation. By bringing movement in those three dimensions, new perspectives are coming and with new perspectives, new behaviours are happening.
With 3D mapping, the client is leading and you are facilitating, supporting the client in working out the situation that they want to work out.
How to use 3D Mapping with other people in order to bring clarity in topics where there is no movement?
Moving Questions
Important element of the training is practising asking moving questions (YouTube video). Moving questions is a method to bring information that is unconsciously available to the conscious level and open for the participants a completely new perspective. The person can see what is not seen, hear what is not heard and experience what is not experienced in a situation.
To learn how to ask moving questions, you learn to use all of your senses and to work with what is happening at that moment. So it requires to be available for the one that you are working with, to understand the context in which you are working and to work with systems and information that are present.
What hasn't been said yet?

Embodied Learning Method
Lena brings in the training her expertise on how to design an impactful learning experience. The teaching method that we use, we call it embodied learning. This means you not only learn something new in theory, but you practice, until it becomes natural for you to do it, just like riding a bicycle is.
Lena designed various dynamic work forms that include movement. The big advantage of this approach is that you are way more engaged and learn faster, in a playful way and with ease. The sessions are way more lively and less tiring.
Theoretical Frame: Richard Strozzi, Wendy Palmer, Andrew D. Wilson
Participation fee
€490 - general participation fee.
€420 - for people without a paid job.
Participants take care of their travel expenses. Accommodation and food are covered by Olde Vechte.
How to register
If you want to register for the training, you need to be above 18+ and english speaking. Click the register button on the left and fill in the registration form.
The selection of the participants is based on chronological order and will be up to 22 people. After submitting your application from, you will receive an email with practical information.
Timeline & Hosting
Start of the programme: 19:30 on the 18th of February 2023
End of the programme: 18:30 on the 23th of February 2023
Plan your travels in a way that you can be present in the training from the beginning until the end.
Join the upcoming Source!
The trainers of this course:

Marko Vlaming
Youth worker, Head Trainer and Director

Lena Nasiakou
Learning Consultant, Trainer and Coach
The training takes place in Ommen, the Netherlands and is organized in and around the premises of the Olde Vechte Foundation.
You’ll stay in a shared (2-4 people) room with common toilets/showers located on every floor. There is Wi-Fi available and you will have access to the washing machine and a dryer.
The accommodation is located within a walking distance from Ommen city center (approx. 500 m). We will send you further information about how to get there and what to bring with you after your application form is approved.