A milestone! Event Wise, Olde Vechte’s most prominent and longest delivered training.

Join this dynamic personal development experience to learn practical tools and techniques which will increase your ability to achieve personal and professional success while enjoying life.

This training is for you, if you want to:
  • Boost your performance in personal and professional life & achieve goals with increased efficiency and fulfillment;
  • Take complete control over your life and navigate change to your benefit;
  • Stand up for yourself, make self-supporting choices & work with your energy;
  • Build healthy relationships & get better at handling challenging situations and people;
  • Create and sustain a positive mental attitude, especially during hard times.

1550+ people participated

From over 60 countries in the world

>95% of satisfied customers

2330+ hours of training delivered

Course details & Training method

Event Wise is a 7-days training which takes place in and around the premises of the Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, the Netherlands. In Event Wise you are the creator of your own experience which means you can set your own limits regarding how far you want to go in learning new skills.

We use the method of experiential learning (i.e. learning-by-doing) which empowers our natural way of learning. You’ll experience a series of events, games and exercises happening both indoor and outdoor and structured in a way to create the maximum learning out of your own experience.

What will you get out of this training?
  • Reach the best performance levels you are capable of;
  • Overcome your limiting beliefs and patterns;
  • Work with your weaknesses and play to your strengths;
  • Communicate with more clarity and persuasiveness;
  • Create and sustain a positive mental attitude, especially during hard times;
  • Rediscover the joy of play and spontaneity.
The 7-day program
DAY 1 - Judgements
This day explores how judgements are formed and their impact on your life. Creating result-focused attitude.

  • The three roles in life and their daily impact
  • How to bring awareness in our relationships
  • Stop, look, correct and take action as a leading principle
  • Acknowledging where you are standing in regard with your life vision
  • How your concepts and beliefs influence your judgments and actions
DAY 2 - Patterns
The second day is focused on behavioral patterns and the effects they produce.

  • Cooperation as a biological process
  • How new behaviors create new opportunities
  • Sources of success and how you can learn from them
  • How to realize your patterns and change them according to your will
  • Energy management and how acknowledgement can lead to change
DAY 3 - Self-loyalty
Self-loyalty: how to stick to your fist intention and get creative in action.

  • How to create win-win situations
  • Self reflection as a tool for correction
  • Counterproductive games people play and how to avoid them
  • How to keep your intentions and values in the madness of the day
  • How to bring the abstract concept of trust into a concrete operating system
DAY 4 - Spontaniety
Spontaneity: the ability to do whatever, whenever and truly be ourselves.

  • How to realise your vision
  • How motion can create results
  • Circle of creativity as an action plan
  • Defining your most important priorities
  • Prioritising information: how clear questions bring clear answers
  • How personal leadership has nothing to do with someone following
  • How to find the balance between when to compromise and when not
DAY 5 - Confrontation
During this day you will deal with confrontation.

  • How to tackle unexpected events and use them to your advantage
  • How to turn obstacles into opportunities that help you achieve your goals and your vision
  • How inclusion leads to results
  • How to create working concepts rather than sticking to old ones that are not working
  • How to apply the knowledge you have got in the training room in real life
DAY 6 - Freedom
This day is all about freedom and the capacity to always have a choice.

  • How to unlock your personal resourcefulness
  • How to consciously choose your state and influence your mood
  • How to use your support system
DAY 7 - Self-fulfilment
Self-fulfilment is an inner job.

  • The realization that you are complete
  • How to become the source of your own fulfilment
  • The difference between stopping, giving up and closing
  • How to gain the willing cooperation of others and inspire them
  • "For me is the first training where I discovered my limits. Out door activity taught me that the life can give us the situations when we must not give up. I could take the decision for my future life and to keep it. Now I'm getting out from "the box" because I don't have time to lose. For the first time I think at myself. The human being has undiscovered limits. We need to have the courage to discover them."

    - Olimpia Becheru, Italy

  • "It was the most confrontative training I've ever attended, but built up in such a professional way, that each and every (self)confrontation ended up with my victory of learning, experiencing something very crucial and wonderful. From a sort of resignation the training lead me back to my resources, opened my heart to joy and love and recharged me with energy hope and trust."

    - Julia Vincz, Hungary

  • "The Event Wise Training changed the way I see myself and my life. This training brought me a lot of clarity on who and how am I in my life, deeper understanding about my patterns and how I approach various situations in my life. One of the biggest insights was to realise that my life is a series of events and I have the power to decide how i want to react (or not) to those events. I am aware I have a lot more to learn, while the Event Wise training was a very good first step into knowing myself better and taking a stronger ownership of my life."

    - Atanas Genkov, Bulgaria

  • "Best thing you can do for yourself! It was mind blowing. Made me break at lot of personal limits and learn more about myself. Had the greatest experience of my life until that moment. I would repeat it anytime. Love it!"

    - Constantin Palade, Romania

  • "It is the experience that a person will never regret having gone through. At first my cousin recommended it to me without giving me any details. Because i trust him I decided to go for it. During the training I felt ups and downs, I really enjoyed all the exercises we have done and the games we played. I did things like dancing and presenting myself which I would rarely do before. I got to know new people from different countries and I learned new things about cultures. Also what I am feeling now is that I have really changed my life during this training and I have changed so many things in my life. So many bad things that I now stopped doing, now I am feeling positive. I have changed my perception towards people's behavior and I started to believe more on myself."

    - Mahmoud Shehab, Egypt

  • "If I really want to do something, there is nothing that can prevent me from making it real. Before the training I knew that it was a good one for self development. However, it hasn't just been good, it was gorgeous! From the very first moment of the training I felt it totally connected to me! I saw that we all are facing the same situations in our lives, and somehow manage to get over it. Before the training, I felt stupid when I faced a hard situation and thought that I could not manage it as it was my fault to face it. Here I discovered that I was not alone in this. The situation can happen to anybody and it is not our faults, and of course we are not stupid. It made me realise many things, what I have already achieved (which made me feel powerful) and the things I can still work on. All I leanred here I can use in the future. Because everything is possible, if I can think of it. I have the power to make it real. This training has helped me me much in finding the inner power. It is like I am reborn with energy."

    - Sezin Irtem, Turkey

  • "The training showed me how I behave and cooperate within a group of people and why this cooperation gets stuck so often. For me the training was about concentrated self: experiences combined with en educational parts. I put myself into new environment in order to see my usual behavior, feeling and thoughts. After this focus on myself I located blocks, mistaken paths which are a part of my actions and mind. So my next step was correction. And taking action in practical surrounding. I found this training very useful for my personal life although in the general philosophy I missed some things."

    - Soňa Hergottová, Slovakia

  • "The Event Wise Training is an experience that made me "grow" a lot. It is impossible to describe all the benefits I got from living this training and from meeting Olde Vechte's crew. In the trainings I faced the things that didn't work in my life and it gave me the energy to change them. I saw what was working in my life. It gave me a huge "push" to take my life and act in it, being proactive with my reality and giving me insights, new understandings and changing patterns that were not useful. Since when I attended the Event Wise I came back to assist twice, and then I participated to all the other trainings and assisted them too. I found very skilled trainers and a style of handling the groups and working in trainings that is unique and worth to see and to model. Thank you very much!"

    - Luca Crivellari, Italy

  • "Because of a lot of different activities, I realized that a many obstacles in life are much simpler than they seem. I'm overthinking less and doing more about my goals and dreams. :) These seven intensive days pushed my limits higher and remembered me that life is a lot about the fun and enjoyment. The words that I associate with this training: fun, interesting, complicated, scary, variety, amazing people, fellowship, new, funny, lovely, beautiful..."

    - Sara Hauptfeld, Croatia

  • "Event wise was a very good experience. First of all, I never had practice in English before, and I actually started to speak there. Secondly it has made me believe that I am strong, it gave me courage and after the training I started to be active instead be passive. Also I met nice people and I had so much fun. :) The trainers and staff were working with enthusiasm they were super nice."

    - Nino Kartvelishvili, Georgia

  • "I was a team member and some of the processes I did for the first time. It was an amazing experience and amazing time what I spent there with participants and other team members. The trainers are such professionals and the training is full with nice surprises. I suggest to attend this training if you feel lost at this moment or if you just want to experience something new in your life. Like to meet nice people from different countries and to see beautiful Ommen. I enjoyed every minute and the preparation time what I spent there. It was one of my best summers."

    - Baiba Skadina, Latvia

  • "The Event Wise training made me question assumptions about myself and others that I somehow perceived as the “ultimate truth”. This has allowed me to look at everyday situations in different perspective and helped me to adapt into them more easily. I recommend this training to anybody who is brave enough to improve their quality of life and learn something new about themselves. Go for it!"

    - Laima Hauka, Latvia

  • "Very insightful, experiential, yet practical - you gain new perspective about the world and yourself, along with great tools to help you achieve more fulfillment. The training was a very unique experience, that had great impact on me, my attitude towards life and how a project myself on a daily basis. It is difficult to describe in words how amazing the people I met in Olde Vechte are, and how very grateful I am for taking the decision to participate. No matter where you are in life, this would bring new possibilities.”

    - Velimira Velikova, Bulgaria

The upcoming Event Wise is in:









Arrival & Departure

The Event Wise lasts for 7 days, and you’re expected to participate in the whole duration of the program.

Olde Vechte Foundation has a tight schedule of projects, and to make everything happen in time, we kindly ask you to plan your trip according to the official arrival and departure times. More precise timing will be sent to all confirmed participants.

Participation fee

€480 - general participation fee

As an organization, we have a mission to stimulate personal growth in order to contribute to a better world.  The foundation is using its resources to support the personal development of people and financially is contributing to these trainings. This is the reason why participation fees are this low, although we understand that even this amount can still be significant for some.

We would like to make personal development accessible by offering multiple discounts: 

€350 for people residing in Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

€250 for people residing in non-EU countries (eg. Lebanon, North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Georgia, etc.) and for people without paid jobs and students from EU countries.

* We can also offer 5 places with a reduced participation fee of €250 for people who currently are in difficult situations. 

To reserve your place in the training you’ll be offered 3 possibilities after registration:

  • Pay a deposit of 125 euros;
  • Send copies of tickets to the Netherlands;
  • Pay the full amount of the participation fee.

Note: The participation fee covers the cost of the training, accommodation and meals during the whole duration of the program.

How to register

If you wish to register, click the register button on the left and fill in the registration form.
We’ll review your registration and come back to you with the next steps within 48 hours.

If you’re not sure whether this training is a good fit for you, you can schedule a short 15-mins talk with the Head trainer - Yassar Markos. Please book your time in Calendly.

If you have any practical questions regarding the training, send us an email to info.oldevechte@gmail.com


The training is delivered in simple and easy-to-understand English.

Satisfaction guarantee

Should you feel the training has not been beneficial for you in any way, you can request a refund of your training fee. The only condition is that you have attended every training session and have participated in every process.

Join Event Wise and bring your life to the next level!

The trainer of this course is Yassar Markos.

He will be assisted by an experienced international team.

Yassar Markos

Trainer & Coach

Yassar has been working with Olde Vechte since 2010. He is an entrepreneur, trainer and coach with more than 13 years of experience in the fields of experiential learning, NLP, strategic influence and psychology based on human needs. In his career he worked with more than 14,000 people from all over the world - from Argentina to Europe to Russia.

Back in Bulgaria he also runs ‘University for personal development and entrepreneurship’, helps young experts in building their business online, and in 2019 he co-organized ‘Big Bang’, the biggest conference of Eastern Europe on entrepreneurship and personal development with over 2,500 participants.


The training takes place in the Olde Vechte Foundation community centre in Ommen, the Netherlands and is organized in and around the premises of the Olde Vechte Foundation.

You’ll stay in a shared (2-4 people) room with common toilets/showers located on every floor. There is Wi-Fi available and you will have access to the washing machine and a dryer. 

The accommodation is located within a walking distance from Ommen city center (approx. 500 m). We will send you further information about how to get there and what to bring with you after your application form is approved.

As a foundation, Olde Vechte has its own training centre/community centre which enables us to keep our activities accessible to more people. During our trainings, the participant groups are taking care of the buildings and the cleanliness of their living spaces (such as cleaning their own dishes after meals). Besides the fact that it allows us to keep our participation fees low, it is also supportive for group processes - you have the chance to meet each other in another way, not just during the program.