Strategic Partnership


ActiveCollective is a KA2 Erasmus+ Project that focuses on developing a method of sustainable inclusion for unemployed adults through environmental activities. The partnership aims to offer an improved and extended supply of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of adults with fewer opportunities to enhance their key competencies and facilitate their entrance into the labor market.

For many young adults who are Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET), finding a sense of purpose and direction can be challenging. Hence, the project brings together partners from 7 different countries who are actively working with the above-mentioned target group and supports their staff members in creating a suitable method of inclusion through activities focused on environmental change.
The activities of the project use social gardening as the main working method, which goes beyond conventional employment strategies, offering NEET adults an avenue for personal growth, skill acquisition, and community connection. This method creates a long-term impact not only on the individuals that are directly involved but also on the organizations and the local community.



  • March 2022Start of Project

  • May 2022Kick-off Meeting

    Riga, Latvia
  • October 2022 First meeting

    Ommen, The Netherlands
  • March 2023Second meeting

    Ommen, The Netherlands
  • November 2023Midterm meeting

    Hopeland, Greece
  • March 2024Third meeting

    Ommen, The Netherlands
  • Summer 2024Fourth meeting

    Ommen, The Netherlands
  • Autumn 2024Final meeting

    Romania (or Austria)
  • February 2025End of Project

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