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Trainings for Teachers – Autumn/Winter 2018

Olde Vechte is organising training courses especially designed for teachers. The registartion in now open! The trainings are open for schools that have approved Erasmus+ KA1 funds and for teachers that wish to cover the expenses on their own. Maths & Moves | 15-20 Oct 2018 […]

Olde Vechte & Windesheim University

Olde Vechte is cooperating with Windesheim University once again! A group of university students from Zwolle has joined a project about adult learning and our Foundation is providing the opportunity and the space where they can get actively involved in the organisation of training courses for […]

Maths ‘n’ Moves, training for teachers

Our first training course for teachers is happening now in Olde Vechte Foundation. Maths ‘n’ Moves brought together teachers from all over Europe to experience and explore mathematics through body movement. For more opportunities for teachers check here:

Maths ‘n’ Moves | body movement as a tool to teach maths

Do you already have approved funds for KA1 school stuff mobility? Maths ‘n’ Moves | body movement as a tool to teach maths Think beyond the books and assignements of the traditional classroom when it comes to learning maths and make your teaching an appealing, fun […]

Training courses for teachers

There are still places available for Olde Vechte’s brand new training courses ​​​Maths ‘n’ Moves​ ​and Coaching Paths. These are training course especially designed for teachers and people involved in the educational sector. ​​In order to cover your participation expenses you can apply for Erasmus+ grants […]

Coaching Paths training course, Teachers’ edition

Olde Vechte Foundation presents Coaching Paths, the new coaching training course especially designed for teachers and people involved in the educational sector that are eager to create meaningful, long-lasting improvements in their school and make education an enlightening experience. Dates | 25-30 November 2017 Place | […]