Wider Horizon – Short term EVS Phase 1 has started!
The 33rd Event Wise Training is open for registration!
Wider Horizon – Short term EVS Phase 1 has started!
The 33rd Event Wise Training is open for registration!
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This summer Let’s Level Up together!

We are very happy to announce our new exciting project LEVEL UP, which is all about exploring the topic of entrepreneurship through various games and activities happening outside, in nature. In 12 days you will play, create and experiment within an intercultural group of 50 youngsters from 10 different countries.

You will:
• play and learn outside in different settings
• discover your skills and put them into practice
• initiate and create games/activities for the others
• meet inspiring initiatives throughout the Netherlands

Eligible countries:  Czech Republic | Greece | Lithuania | Latvia | Croatia | Romania | Macedonia | Italy | Bulgaria | The Netherlands

Dates | APV: 20-22 April 2018, Youth Exchange: 21 July – 1 August 2018
Place | Olde Vechte Foundation, Ommen, the Netherlands

More info | http://bit.ly/Level_Up_Infoletter
Apply now | http://bit.ly/Level_Up_Apply

Apply for the APV until the 30th of March and for the Youth Exchange until 1st of June.

Let’s Level Up together!

Funded by Erasmusplus Jeugd.
