Maths in Motion, kick-off meeting
21st Practicing Coaching & Mentoring TC is completed | 22nd takes place on March 2018
22-11-2017We are happy to announce that places are now open for our short-term EVS project: Wider Horizon, which happens in 2 phases.
Wider Horizon I: 27th February – 28th April 2018 (2 months)
Wider Horizon II: 1st May – 30th June 2018 (2 months)
The aim of the project is to give the young participants an opportunity to increase their independence and ability to take action, and thus create new opportunities in their personal and professional life.
The program is specifically targeted at individuals from vulnerable social groups and individuals who usually, have no opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ program:
• Special needs
• Educational difficulties
• Economic obstacles
• Cultural differences
• Health problems
• Geographical obstacles
• Social obstacles
The programme is only for people from European Union countries.
Find More Information & Application Form.
- Infoletter: http://bit.ly/WH_Infoletter
- Apply Now: http://bit.ly/WH_Application_Form
- E-mail us at info.oldevechte@gmail.com
Deadline for applications: 8th of December 2018.
The project is funded thanks to Erasmusplus Jeugd.