Coaching training: what our participants said!
22nd Practicing Coaching & Mentoring training course is now open for registration!
Coaching training: what our participants said!
22nd Practicing Coaching & Mentoring training course is now open for registration!
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Our brand new Training for Trainers!

Training for Trainers -New Context- is open for registration.

Dates | 5-11 March 2018
Trainers | Marko Vlaming, Tihana Dragičević, Lena Nasiakou

Doing trainings is a fascinating field, it creates fulfillment for you as a trainer and it can also be significant for others in their learning. Although the process itself is exciting and dynamic, it requires a lot of different skills, it can be overwhelming and it knows many pitfalls.
Here we are offering trainers the chance to bring their training skills to another level based on our experience.

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