28th Event Wise is starting
21-11-2016Video Makers WANTED!
21-11-2016InterACTive Colors Exchange Project
When | 28th of February-9th of March 2017 (excluding travel days)
Where | Ommen, The Netherlands at Olde Vechte Foundation
Eligible Countries | Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Romania.
InterACTive Colors is a dynamic Exchange on personal development, while working with digital tools for creating an online platform & producing educational videos with LGBTQIA+ content.
The Project aims to promote social inclusion and active citizenship of young LGBTQIA+ people in society, while enhancing cooperation between its partners in the youth field of LGBTQIA+.
For more information & Application Procedure:
Infoletter: http://bit.ly/InterACTiveColors_Infoletter_2017
Application Form: http://bit.ly/InterACTiveColors_Application_Form
For daily updates on our LGBTQIA+ & human rights content theme projects: Active Rainbow
Visuals: Elina Primaka
Project Funded by: Erasmusplus Jeugd
#InterACTiveColors #LearnGrowAct #Erasmusplus