ReMOVEit on screen!
14-11-201622nd Choice – Registration is open
16-11-2016Our InterACTive Colors APV has officially finished!
Together with our group leaders we had an InterACTive and fruitful time exchanging our best practices, working, videomaking and learning from each other on the topic of Education, inclusion and LGBTQIA+ spectrum. We kicked off our preparation for the Exchange, happening in 28th of February – 9th of March 2017 (excluding travel days). Infoletter & Application Form will be available in the coming days.
Enjoy the: Photo Album of InterACTive Colors APV
Stay connected with Active Rainbow official fb page for more updates, news and moments from our projects connected to human rights, inclusion and LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
#InterACTiveColors #LearnGrowAct #Erasmusplus