Share Your Colors Advanced Planned Visit
Share Your Colors Exchange Project
Share Your Colors Advanced Planned Visit
Share Your Colors Exchange Project
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Share Your Colors APV Completed

We have successfully completed the Advanced Planning Visit of ‪#‎ShareYourColors‬ project.

Group leaders coming from The Netherlands, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Italy and Bulgaria, had 2 dynamic days together working on the preparation of the exchange and with media and social media tools! They developed 2 campaigns for raising awareness on LGBTQIA+ topic and 3 photostories for the promotion of the project.

You can follow the official page of Active Rainbow, to see even more updates and news!

Soon, we will start also the promotion of the project for finding the fitting candidates who will join us in July 2016!
Stay Tuned!

Thanks to Erasmusplus Jeugd for their constant support and financial contribution in making this project a reality.

‪#‎ActCreateShare‬ ‪#‎ErasmusPlus‬ ‪#‎NonFormal‬ ‪#‎Education‬
